Today we took pictures for Lucy's 1st birthday invitation. She was a MESS, I could not get her still to take a good picture! Here are some that did not make the cut. It was very entertaining!
Andy's granddad (aka papa)came to see the new house and went with us to lunch. It's always sooooo great to see him and Lucy enjoys it. I think he really liked the new house, I know he like the new food choices. We have a great country cooking restaurant by the house, I think I gained 10 pounds in the last week eating there it is YUMMY!
We went to the Georgia Renaissance Fair for Mother's day. It makes for excellent people watching!
The girls had a great time riding together in the stroller. All Lucy wanted to do was grab Evelyn's tutu.
We saw a really good comedy/acrobatic show that both girls enjoyed. Andy had a good time dunking a lovely lady in the dunking booth (on the sign it's says don't play if you are easily insulted... I think Andy might be, he HAD to dunk her. It took him $15 to do it.)
After the festival we took Lucy for her first swim in the pool, or should I say daddy took her, mommy went inside and took a nap! Later that night Andy and I went on our Fourth date night since having Lucy. We went to dinner and say Mary Poppins at the Fox Theater, it was one of the best shows I have seen off of Broadway.
I have been covered in paint for the past week. We bought so much paint Home Depot gave us the pro desk discount! Lucy's view has been from her pack and play, poor thing. She sees it coming and screams. All of her toys are at the new house so she gets to play with fun things like my perfume at the old house.
The past two days I have been painting the kitchen cabinets white. I found all kinds of fun things in the cabinets and drawers, my sister-in-law, Tiffany told me to rip them out and get new ones because they were SERIOUSLY disgusting and grossing both of us out, I will spare you the details of what we found (no one would ever eat at my the house again!) but it's not in the budget so painting I have done. I'm hoping to be done with all the major renovations before we move in.
On Saturday we went to Reece and Chase's karate tournament before we left for home. The boys did AWESOME and impressed me with the fierce moves! We loved spending time with them and are going to miss them terribly when they leave for Japan in August,but we can't wait to go see them there!
We had such a wonderful time in DC celebrating Evie's first birthday! The party was Peter Rabbit, such a cute spring theme. Lucy had a great time playing with her cousins while the grownups got ready for the party.
The birthday girls outfit was adorable, I wish Andy would of gotten a picture of her bloomers they looked like a tutu.
My sister in-law Missy did a great job with planning the party, she even made Evie's cake. The building they held the party in was beautiful and right there on base. They had a bunny petting zoo, and a wonderful bbq dinner.
Last weekend we went to Washington DC to our niece's, Evie, first birthday party. We flew on buddy passes (THANK YOU SOOO MUCH KAREN!) so we took the 6am flight. It was a very, very early morning. We woke up at three and arrived at the airport at 4am(yuck). Miss Lucy was wide awake and ready to go, she had cheese eggs for breakfast, her new favorite food and enjoyed people watching in the airport. She was very inquisitive when we first sat down, but as soon as the plane started to move she was sound asleep and slept the whole way there; much to the delight of the passengers around us!
On the way back home she was wide awake the ENTIRE flight! I think this is the first time she has really been aware of the airplane window. She LOVED it, and was very well behaved. She talked to the passengers behind us, and continually reminded the passengers in front to keep their chair in the upright position!
Finally, we got a new camera! However the guy at the store sold us the wrong memory card :( So for the past 5 days I have been franticly trying to download about 300 pictures without any luck! So tomorrow it is off to wolf camera to see if they can make it into a picture CD and get a new card. I promise to post allot this week (once I get the photos off) so check back we had a busy few weeks.
For the past six years I have been married to my college sweetheart. He is a K-9 officer and I worked as a Flight Attendant, I have traveled the world, but something was missing. How life has changed over the past two years! She is one of those babies that tricks you into thinking you can have another one without a problem. Good thing mommy knows better!