I don't think I have ever studied this hard and I have a college degree! This stuff is HARD!!! I think I took the real estate thing a little too lightly coming in and now it has come to bite me on the butt. The June class finished a month ago, out of 32 students, only 12 have passed both tests as of yesterday. I am taking the cram class this weekend and plan on taking the 1st test on Thursday. Lucy has had a summer cold this week which has put a damper on my studying and Georgia's biggest consignment sale is on Tuesday :)
On a sad note we went to Arros's funeral on Friday. It was a very nice service with just about every police department in the state of Georgia being represented. Lucy was a mess I had to take her outside to walk around so I had to miss most of the actual service but it was nice to be there in support. Below is a picture of Lucy and Andy before the service.
Good luck on your test! You can do it!
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