Lucy has been so fun lately! There is no mistaking that ducks are her favorite animal because she is constantly quacking. She has learned to make the elephant (with hand motions for the trunk) and owl sounds, she loves to shake her bunny(booty) when and where ever music comes on, and her new favorite word is mama mama mama mama. We went to get a few groceries today and she waved and said HI (in her southern accent) to everyone in the store and had to push the cart, she is so outgoing. She is such a lively, happy and busy baby and a joy in our lives!
I am going to do the home tour with Show us your Life every Friday, this week it is master bedrooms. Our room is a work in progress, we moved into this house which was a foreclosure in June. My favorite part of the room is it's view out onto the "lake" (it was to bright to get the full effect, you can see it out the two back windows). Any suggestions would be appreciated! And yes our dog has stairs into the bed!
Side note my garage sale find, $5. Lucy loves it! It won't sit in the living room for long, I swear!
Monday night we went on a dolphin cruise. All the kids really enjoyed it. Lucy tried to feed the birds flying by, but ended up feeding herself! Evelyn refused to let Marmee go; she kept saying the dolphins were sharks and sharks have teeth they will bit you!
We left for Panama City at 6am (well more like 6:25, don't tell my mom)on Saturday morning. It was a five hour drive all five girls did great. We arrived at our hotel at about 12 (we stopped to feed the smallest traveler). The hotel was AWESOME!!!!!! If you are looking for a place to stay in Panama City Splash is it! They have a kid slide/play area, two pools (one with a lazy river), and a toddler play area. The room was great too, we had a 3 bedroom and a 2 bedroom condo. All the rooms had ocean views and it was nice to have a kitchen to keep drinks and snacks for the kids. When we arrived our room was not ready so we headed out to lunch, after we were done we checked into our rooms and the girls changed into swimsuits. Lucy is FEARLESS on the beach. She loved the water and the sand, she really enjoyed playing at both water parks and going down the slide.
We had a wonderful week spending time with family and doing lots of fun stuff!My cousin Dawn is on maternity leave so they came to spend the week with us! Late Thursday night they arrived from St. Louis they have 3 little girls (yes! I said 3 girls) Gracie, 5; Carley 3; and little Kelsey is 1 month. Dawn and I stayed up entirely too late talking knowing we had to get up early the next morning! Friday we woke up bright and early and went to the Georgia aquarium, which is one of Lucy's favorite places, she saw a lot of Ish (fish in Lucy speak). Lucy was a little cranky because she went to bed at her normal time, 8 but got up at 9 when all the girls arrived and then again at midnight when daddy got home from work; so Lucy missed most of the fun while she took a long nap. After we were done with the aquarium we went over to the CNN center. There is a large food court in the atrirum where there was a wide variety of food to choose from. Dawn and her husband Brant tried Chick-fil-A for the first time, they thought it was amazing of course, but made fun of our chicken biscuit!!!! After Lunch we went over to the Olympic rings fountain and let the girl run around in the water. I left Lucy's swimsuit in the car so she ended up flashing all of Atlanta, but they had a great time.
I saw this on You Tube (I have been on there a little bit can you tell? :)) and it made me think.
I love, "This too shall pass". I have learned that every stage with Lucy brings new challenges and I try NEVER to wish away days, but sometimes it is so hard! I find myself constantly saying she won't be this little forever! I love her and I am so grateful that God let me be her mommy!
This post is all over the place sorry! I went to the Yellow Daisy Festival on Thursday with my mom, sister-in-law and the girls, it was interesting to say the least! It was PACKED, I could not even move the stroller ON A THURSDAY MORNING! It was so hard to look in a lot of the booths I ended up with one outfit for Lucy and a few bows.
This morning I went to my favorite and all time best consignment sale, Boutique Repeats! Lucy got some great stuff! Here are a few of the things, I am currently washing most of it :)
We are gearing up for my cousin and her THREE little girls to come down on Thursday from St. Louis. We are going to the Georgia Aquarium on Friday and Splash at Pannama City Beach, I am soooo excited, I need a break!
We had a very busy weekend! My sister-in law and I set up a garage sale on Friday and Saturday to help out with our Disney fund. I have learned that everything is twice as hard with a one year old! All Lucy wanted to do was climb my parents STEEP driveway and inevitably fall down:( On Friday morning I opened the garage door at 6am to find a man waiting for me! He bought $50 worth of stuff so I am glad I let him in (a little creepy all the same)!
On Sunday night my parents long time neighbor had a cookout. Her two sons both have little girls (there are are 5 little girls under 3 between all of us). It was fun,the girls played with bubbles in the backyard and went for a wagon ride.
On Monday we went to the Powers Crossroad Fair. I am trying to save my money for my favorite consignment sale and The Yellow Daisy Festival next week, so I only ended up purchasing a Halloween bow. Lucy got to take a train ride with Muv and eat a fried sweet potato pie. She also discovered she can climb on top of picnic tables! I got to scope out some of the vendors for the Yellow Daisy as well! We ended the day at Monkey Joe's!
For the past six years I have been married to my college sweetheart. He is a K-9 officer and I worked as a Flight Attendant, I have traveled the world, but something was missing. How life has changed over the past two years! She is one of those babies that tricks you into thinking you can have another one without a problem. Good thing mommy knows better!