I am going to do the home tour with Show us your Life every Friday, this week it is master bedrooms. Our room is a work in progress, we moved into this house which was a foreclosure in June. My favorite part of the room is it's view out onto the "lake" (it was to bright to get the full effect, you can see it out the two back windows). Any suggestions would be appreciated! And yes our dog has stairs into the bed!
Side note my garage sale find, $5. Lucy loves it! It won't sit in the living room for long, I swear!
We do have lots of fun! Thanks for reminding me! I sometimes get over whelmed by the room, everything was completed in our old house and I don’t want to have to start all over on this one, but I am slowly working on it!
For the past six years I have been married to my college sweetheart. He is a K-9 officer and I worked as a Flight Attendant, I have traveled the world, but something was missing. How life has changed over the past two years! She is one of those babies that tricks you into thinking you can have another one without a problem. Good thing mommy knows better!
Your room is gorgeous and your little girl is adorable! I bet you have lots of fun :)
We do have lots of fun! Thanks for reminding me! I sometimes get over whelmed by the room, everything was completed in our old house and I don’t want to have to start all over on this one, but I am slowly working on it!
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