How can you be two already Lucy?!
We went to White Water on her "happy day" with Marmee, Pappa, Muv, Unk, Aunt Timmy, Evie, and Auntie Erin. Lucy basked in a day full of attention. She played in the "baby area" but also braved going into the bigger kids area and rode many of the slides. She would alternate between, "Momma's turn and Daddy's turn" to take her down the big girl slides. We left the park for a picnic lunch of Chick-fil-a and quickly headed back in for more fun. One of the thing Lucy has been enjoying lately is laying out (she get cold and loves to sun herself!) she is a girl after mommy's heart. As we were leaving the park for the night Lucy spotted some very large suckers and said, "mommy sucker?" I told her to ask daddy, she walked over to him said, "sucker?, Mouth (points at mouth), Tummy? (rubbing tummy) delicious!" We had her favorite dinner, PIZZ-A and cupcakes and she slept well that night :) Mommy and Daddy are very blessed to have you in our lives.
Park City Utah
2 years ago
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