Sunday, May 8, 2011


“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” - Rajneesh
I am very blessed to be Lucy's mommy, and equally as blessed to have such a great example of what a wonderful mom is.
We had a wonderful weekend. Saturday mom, Tiffany and I went to the Cotton pickin fair and shopped (mostly for Lucy hairbows) and later on in the afternoon Andy, Lucy and Andy's momma joined us to enjoy a BBQ lunch at the fair and a quick ride on the cho cho and of course more shopping.

That evening Andy went to work and Mrs. Johnson and I dropped Lucy off at my mom and dad's so all the girls in the family could enjoy dinner at the Melting Pot, kid free. A very rare treat. We had the same waiter from my birthday dinner, and he remembered us.....yes, we were that memorable.

Sunday I woke up to flowers and cards, later on in the afternoon all the ladies went to see Water for Elephants while the guys cooked dinner and watched the girls. What a wonderful husband I have!
I enjoyed a nice relaxing weekend.


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