Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Evelyn!

Evelyn's birthday weekend started off with a small party at the art studio in Fayetteville. Tiffany tried to keep it modest this year, besides Lucy and Evelyn there were only 3 other kids in attendance. They painted princess castles and painted the icing on cupcakes. Here is a picture of the castle Lucy made.

Sunday was Evelyn's birthday and we spent the day going to Gnomeo and Juliet and eating lunch at Ted's Montana Grill (yum). Evelyn and Tiffany's mom share a birthday so she and Tiffany's brother joined us. Lucy did not like the movie as much as Tangled and we had to leave the theater twice for a little running around time. The movie was cute but it did not have as much music which really holds Lucy's attention.

The birthday week was capped off with a "big" girls trip to see Peter Pan in the Round at Pemberton Place in Atlanta. Evelyn, Tiffany, my mom and I saw the show, but it didn't start till 7:30 so we left Lucy at home with Andy and boy am I glad we did! The pirates were really scary which Evelyn found hilarious! We started the evening eating dinner and getting candy at Atlantic Station.  The show was a little disapointing and was NOT geared for children. The poor little girl in front of us cried when the pirates came out and the little girl behind us kept asking where the kids were; she did not understand that adults were playing the kids. The special effects were great but overall I would skip it as a family night.


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